Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Color Run: Cornstarch at its Best

James, Rachel and I decided to wake up on a Sunday before 6 am to trek to Brooklyn and run a 5K.
Totally worth it!

The Before!

The Color Run is quite possibly the easiest 5K to run! Hence, the slogan "Happiest 5K on the planet!" People of all ages (even kids in strollers!)  participate!  No one is timing you!
You know what that means?


Here are some Color Run Tips

1. Wear sunglasses. The volunteers throwing cornstarch at you have no training and will throw it in your face.

2. Run through the color stations TWICE, Rachel ran through the orange station with not a drop of orange on her.  I guess thats what free labor will get you. Which brings me to the next tip.

3. Slow down and tell the color volunteers, "HIT ME!" and they will. Maybe in your face.

4. Don't bother wearing earphones. Don't carry too much, there's no where to hold your stuff unless your VIP.  I know its not the 80's, but a fanny pack would have been nice. Ask your grandma if she has one.  Put everything in a ziploc!

5. We ran during a heat wave.  It WAS HOT HOT HOT.
 SWEAT + BLUE cornstarch= you need to scrub your skin off to get back to regular human color. Your loofah will be your best friend.

6. The Color Run says to save your color packet until the end. But at the end, we were like, "OK, now what?"  The DJ will tell you when to throw the color.  We figured that out three minutes too late.

7. We took the shuttle and the bus but if someone drives bring something to sit on so you don't leave a rainbow butt stain in their car like we did on the subway. FYI, there was lots of parking available in the Brooklyn site.

There some some freebies at the end of the run. Some yogurt ice pops, HonestTea, drink samples, Kind granola bars, etc.  There were tons of runners dancing near the music stage (thats where you wait to throw the color packet).  If you're running with friends, make sure you get different color packets when you pick up your T-shirt and bib.  We got a lot of blue/teal.  We wanted purple! We should've switched them out!


Lastly, remember to blow your nose when your done. 
...It's not going to look like a rainbow.


  1. Beware... Rachel may hit you in the face with color too!

  2. Color fail! #assault #sosorry
