Why not celebrate with a shiny, shiny ring?
I'm engaged!!!
On July 4th, two years ago, James and I packed a picnic and headed to Central Park.
We laid around, ate food, watched people pass by. The weather was warm and sunny.
He turned to me and said, "I love you" for the first time.
It was a nice moment.
We left to meet up with friends and watch the fireworks over the Hudson River, holding hands.
This July 4th was particularly hot, but James insisted on a picnic. We woke up, drank our iced coffee and prepared a tortellini salad and baguette sandwiches.
We talked about our favorite memories, traveling through Ecuador, visiting Asheville, North Carolina, lazy beach days, cooking new foods, seeing amazing concerts, and all the great things we have done together.
Then a ring box appeared and I freaked out.
I said, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?"
And then said yes.
We drank bubbly (brought over by Rachel!) while the fireworks went off. We could see and hear the fireworks perfectly from our room, in air conditioning. Thank god because was crazy hot outside and I get really irritated when I'm hot.
The next day we slept in and ordered room service (brioche french toast with candied walnuts and bananas and a pot of coffee).
We met my cousin Christina the next day in the west village at Davids Tea and we started talking about the ring.
Me: "I would have been okay if you didn't get me a diamond. A sapphire would have been fine. I don't want anyone to die for a diamond."
James: "Someone probably died for the sapphires too"
Christina: "Well in that case, I'll take TWO diamonds"

They were extremely accommodating when James busted through their door and wanted a ring in a week. Their style is unique and you can even choose the diamond/gemstone you want. Some of the designs remind me of fairly tales and look like tree roots wrapping around the diamond. So pretty! We cannot recommend them enough!
Thanks to everyone to sent us good wishes. It means a lot.
Thanks to everyone to sent us good wishes. It means a lot.
Ah! New cousins! Yay! So happy! I cryyyyyy!!! I love you guys! Can't wait to see you both soon!