Sunday, November 25, 2012

Human Traits

Lesson on genetics and human traits

Student: I have brown eyes.
Student 2: I have brown eyes.
Student 3: I have black eyes.
Me: Black is not a possible eye color.
Student 3: No, it is. I have black eyes.
Me: No, you have dark brown eyes.
Student 3: (looks to friend) Yo, I have black eyes right? 
They're black miss. 
Me: Again, no.  They're brown.
Student 3: No, they're black.  

(back and forth, like ten times)

Me: Brown eyes are human traits! Only demons have black eyes!
Student 3: What's a demon?
Me: ....

1 comment:

  1. You should've provided a light source (Iphone flashlight? All them kids have one.) and made them look closer with a magnifying glass.

    The pupil is black, but the iris is clearly NOT black.

    YOU WIN!
